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Asia Global Selling Team

230 open jobs

Helping millions of businesses find success selling internationally through Amazon

Amazon Global Selling is one of Amazon’s business units that helps businesses from anywhere in the world to launch a global business, reaching Amazon customers around the world and building international brands. Through Amazon Global Selling, sellers of different types and sizes can directly reach Amazon’s 300+ million active customer accounts, including 100 million+ Prime customers in overseas Amazon marketplaces; and millions of institutional buyers in the USA, Europe, Japan and etc. Amazon has 175 fulfillment centers worldwide which can help sellers deliver products to customers in 185 countries and regions. Since its launch in 2012, Amazon Global Selling Asia has supported hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and businesses grow their customer base in international markets such as the US, Canada, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Mexico, Australia, the Middle East, India, Singapore and Holland.

We have teams based across multiple Asian countries that are responsible for finding, working with and innovating local businesses to help them be successful – on and off Today, as a result of our work, over half of the physical gross merchandise sales on Amazon are sold by third party sellers through our global marketplaces.

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