U.S. Military Veterans
Whether you’re actively transitioning from the military or you’ve been out for a few years, click below to see which roles fit you.
At Amazon, more than 45,000 veterans and military spouses are driving innovation and raising the bar on customer experience. Each day, they apply their knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities in a wide variety of careers around the world.
Whether you’re looking for a new job or a fresh challenge, Amazon has a place for you. Use our Military Skills Translator to quickly see which roles fit your skills.
Whether you’re actively transitioning from the military or you’ve been out for a few years, click below to see which roles fit you.
If you’re a military spouse, we encourage you to apply to any role you’re qualified for. Click below to match your skills with open jobs.
Getting your education after serving in the military? Click below to see what internships you qualify for.
Amazonians build their own paths by owning their development, careers, and futures. The possibilities we explore, the opportunities we take advantage of, and the impact we have is driven by our ideas and initiative. In other words, your experience and trajectory at Amazon is in your hands.
Curious about which role is best for you? Connect with our recruiting team at a military hiring event.
Registration coming soonBuild a successful career in cloud computing with the AWS apprenticeship program.
Within 180 days of leaving the military? Check out our DOD-approved Skillbridge Military Fellowship Program.
Find the right job for you, whether it’s in our corporate offices or tech hubs. The following teams are looking for military talent:
Hiring Our Heroes connects the military community with businesses to create economic opportunity and a strong, diversified workforce.
Hire Heroes USA empowers U.S. military members, veterans, and military spouses to succeed in the civilian workforce.
The Gary Sinise Foundation honorsdefenders, veterans, first responders, their families, and those in need.
50strong provides collaborative services to 200+ employers and 80+ education partners across the U.S.
The Department of Defense Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) connects military spouses with hundreds of partner employers.
Prepare for job interviews with Candorful.
Join thousands of service members, veterans, and military spouses in setting up mentorship phone calls with successful professionals.
ACP aims to ease the transition from the military to the civilian workforce.