Go farther and faster with AWS Tech U
AWS Tech U is our accelerated workforce development program that empowers people to establish and hone the technical and professional skills needed to thrive at AWS.
The program provides training for Amazonians who want to pursue technical careers across a diverse group of cloud roles. The AWS Tech U learning experience combines working on products that reflect real-world AWS technology solutions and interacting with customers. Whether you’re just getting started in the cloud, upskilling for a new role, or changing your career path, the program offers a range of benefits for building your cloud career:
- Paid on-the-job training as a full-time employee
- Project-based learning and professional development
- Mentorship and support from AWS experts
- Real-world problem solving
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Core curriculum
All Tech U participants work together in cohorts, each composed of new builders in one of several AWS job families. Each cohort works together from the start through completion. Team members work through a comprehensive curriculum of foundational AWS cloud technology and professional development. This immersive environment enables efficient, effective collaboration and helps team members translate their technical knowledge into business value for AWS customers.
Technical training
Instruction includes individual lab work and instructor-led tech sessions, customer use cases to solve, and specific assessments for each domain of AWS technology. Learners work through technology challenges in real-world AWS environments, both on their own and in groups. All training is conducted with full support and mentoring from our technical instructors. Each cohort gathers with their instructor every day to review progress, discuss successes and challenges, and work through advanced scenarios together as a team.
This part of the program covers an array of essential skills like delivering effective presentations, handling ambiguity, time management, writing at amazon, and conducting customer conversations. Each ProSkill includes a foundation on the basics and activities for practicing on your own and with colleagues.
Putting it all together
“Builder time” is when participants synthesize their ProSkills training with their growing technical knowledge. This ranges from individual study to presenting AWS architectures as if they were with an actual AWS customer. AWS builders serve customers every day, so managers of our customer-facing teams often play the role of the customer in these evaluations. These experiences help each person develop their own communication style. If you’re passionate about working in the cloud, wherever you are in your career path, we invite you to explore AWS Tech U.