Take home some extra money if you reach certain goals.
At Amazon, all colleagues, regardless of gender, East or West, and regardless of age, will earn at least 15.00€ gross per hour from Day 1 – in addition to a comprehensive package of extras.
Heidenheim Fulfillment Associate (m/f/d)
Messkirch Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
Eggolsheim Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Full-time
Eggolsheim Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Part-time
Hof/Gattendorf Fulfillment Associate (m/f/d)
Moosburg Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
No open positions at this time.
Schönefeld Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Full-time
Schönefeld Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Part-time
No open positions at this time.
No open positions at this time.
Gernsheim Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Full-time
Gernsheim Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Part-time
Raunheim Fulfillment Associate - Adecco. Full-time (m/f/d)
Fulfillment Associate - Adecco. Part-time 25h (m/f/d)
Fulfillment Associate - Adecco. Part-time 20h (m/f/d)
Raunheim Sortation Associate (m/f/d) - DHE1/DHE4
Weiterstadt Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
Wolfhagen Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Full-time
Wolfhagen Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Part-time
Dummerstorf Fulfillment Associate (m/f/d)
Garbsen Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Full-time
Garbsen Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Part-time
Helmstedt Fulfillment Associate (m/f/d)
Lengede [DNM2] Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
Wunstorf Fulfillment Associate - Adecco. Full-time (m/f/d)
Wunstorf Fulfillment Associate - Adecco. Part-time (m/f/d)
Wunstorf Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
Kempen Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
Oelde Fulfillment Associate (m/f/d)
Rheinberg Fulfillment Associate (m/f/d)
Wenden Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
Werne Fulfillment Associate (m/f/d)
Frankenthal (Pfalz) Fulfillment Associate (m/f/d)
Kaiserslautern Warehouse Associate (m/f/d)
Trierweiler Fulfillment Associate (m/f/d)
No open positions at this time.
Lampertswalde Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
Kabelsketal Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Full-time
Kabelsketal Sortation Associate (m/f/d) Part-time
No open positions at this time.
Klagenfurt Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
Rozenburg Sortation Associate (m/f/d)
At Amazon, we understand that work doesn’t stop on the job. Because when you’re done with the order tracking, item packing, or box stacking, you’re doing the school dropping, the grocery shopping, the city tripping, the kick-flipping, the freestyle grooving, or the personal record improving. That’s why we have warehouse jobs that work for you.
We offer various transportation options.
The wages for our logistic employees are at the upper end of comparable jobs. We offer temporary full-time as well as half-time jobs, which are appropriate for students. The entry wage is
15.00 €(calculated gross hourly wage). You also get the following:
Take home some extra money if you reach certain goals.
An entire month is yours for the taking. Amazon provides 28 vacation days.
We offer subsidized meals. Cold snacks and vending machines are available as well as free tea and coffee.
We have more than 36,000 permanent employees working in more than 100 locations across Germany.
We offer people with different backgrounds (education, experience, skills) entry, job training, and promotion opportunities. We’re proud of the cultural diversity within our fulfillment centers, where people of more than 150 nations work side by side.
Our success is due to our employees, who are doing their best each day to meet all promises to customers. This success would not be possible without a positive working environment and cooperation.
We strive to provided working conditions and guarantee a healthy and safe working environment.
Take a chance and learn more at
About Amazon.
Amazon and our partners have a vast variety of jobs for everyone. Join one of the many teams dedicated to bring smiles to our customers every day.
We’re happy to answer questions about your application, your job offer, and more.